Dry Skin Around Mouth: Causes, Prevention and Remedy

dry and flaky skin around mouth

It is winter, you are sleepy, and a yawn is on its way. But hold on, while yawning, you feel a dry burning sensation at the corner of your lips. That is just an example of dry skin around your mouth.

Winters are cold and very dry, and if you do not take proper care of your skin, especially the portions exposed to the cold, dry air, like your face and hands, you will experience dryness and chafing.

Causes of Dry Skin around the Mouth

1. Air for dryness

Even though exposure to dry air is a common cause of dryness around lips, it is not the only cause. You can get dry patches on your face, especially around the mouth, from the following factors.

2. Allergic reactions

You may get dryness around your mouth if you are allergic to a beauty product, special toothpaste, or even medication.

In such a case, stop using any such product or medication at once and consult the doctor as soon as possible.

Even if you do not get an allergic reaction, products containing certain chemicals can irritate sensitive skin and have an adverse effect. Some nasal sprays have been known to create irritation in the upper lip region.

3. Licking your lips

When feeling discomfort due to dry lips, the most common reaction is licking your lips. This does provide relief, but it is only for a short instance. Once the saliva dries up (and it dries up fast), your lips become drier than before, resulting in more dryness and cracking.

4. Hot showers in winter

It seems logical to take a long hot shower on a cold, dry day. But sadly, this does more harm than good to your skin. The hot water strips the skin of its essential natural oily layer, thus exposing the skin cells to the cold, dry air.

This does not pertain only to the face but to the entire body. Take short, lukewarm showers, and your skin will be better protected.

5. Hair removal methods

Men who shave their moustache and beard may experience dryness around the mouth. The shaving blades strip a thin layer of the skin, which can lead to dryness and cracking.

Women who undergo waxing or threading of upper lips may also face such symptoms. The warm wax irritates sensitive skin, which leads to rashes or burns. Hair removal creams are the worst and most notorious cause of dry skin around the mouth in women.

The chemicals irritate the skin cells, which, more often than not, lead to rashes and skin redness.

6. Seborrhoeic Dermatitis

People with excessively oily skin face this condition. This infection is caused by Malassezia (a type of yeast), which thrives on oily skin. Scratching or itching exposes the skin to yeast which results in a rash, leading to flaky skin or dry patches around the mouth, especially at the corner of the lips.

7. Psoriasis

This infection also leads to red, flaky skin around the mouth, especially in the upper lip region.

8. Age

This is a natural factor and cannot be cured. As you grow older, your skin cells lose the ability to secrete the essential oils which keep your skin hydrated. The skin starts losing its softness, and cracks begin to appear.

prevention and remedy for itchy dry skin around your mouth

Prevention and Remedy

Now that we know how we get dry skin let’s discuss the various ways we can protect ourselves from it and cure it if we fall victim to it.

Stay Hydrated

Drink lots of fluids, especially in dry weather. If you keep your body hydrated, your skin cells function correctly, secreting the necessary amount of essential oils, thus keeping your skin moisturized and healthy. The oils provide an additional layer of protection against infectious bacteria and fungi.

Carry a lip-balm

Do not stick to licking your lips. As discussed earlier, licking your lips may give you temporary relief, but it causes more harm than good. Keep a gentle lip-balm with you at all times. This will greatly reduce chapping of lips and surrounding skin.

Note: You may be allergic to some lip balms, so be sure to check out the ingredients before buying. Try not to buy lip balms with alcohol-based ingredients or other added fragrances. Stick to organic ones.


In cold weather, keep your skin moisturized with a suitable moisturizer. This will provide an additional layer of protection and keep your face from drying up. If you are about to go out on a sunny day, make sure to apply some sunscreen before leaving.

This will reduce sunburns and redness of the skin, thus reducing irritation and scratching of the dry burnt skin.

Less frequent showers

In dry conditions, your skin secretes natural oils which keep the skin hydrated. When you take a shower with soap, this oily layer is stripped off, exposing your skin.

Yes, you may feel refreshed immediately after the shower, but your skin cells are exposed and prone to infections or drying. In cold, dry conditions, do not take long hot baths. Instead, stick to short showers with lukewarm water.

Hot water eradicates the oily layer and opens up the skin pores, making it easy for bacteria or fungi to enter the skin. Try not to take multiple showers in a day.

Healthy diet

Do not eat lots of spicy food. Spices can irritate the area around the mouth, especially when you already have dry patches around your mouth. Have proper amounts of vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin C helps prevent a lot of infections. Stay hydrated and avoid junk food as much as possible in dry weather.


Sometimes, dead skin cells can build up and give the appearance of rough, dry skin. Use some gentle exfoliator at times, and you will be able to feel the freshness.


To sum it all up, dryness around the mouth is widespread, and if the proper steps are taken, it can easily be prevented and even cured.

Some dryness causes may require additional medication and care, but it is mostly simple if you take proper care of your body. Your body already secretes the necessary oils to keep your skin soft and smooth. Try not to use external rough moisturizers to do the task of your body. The inorganic chemicals may end up doing more harm to your skin. Stay hydrated and maintain a healthy diet.

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