Almost 25% of people carry staph in the nose, mouth, genital or anal area but don’t suffer from any infection unless weakened immunity system.
In medical terms, staph is a bacterium also known as Staphylococcus and recently named “Super Bug”. Mostly it is taken
In many cases, it causes a lethal infection in pimples, bristles and honey-yellow crusting on the skin. The infection due to these bacteria often begins with a deep cut full of infection.
These bacteria destroy our critical body cells by obliterating the Amino Acid compound and results in serious symptoms.
The nickname given as Super Bug is because it caused turbulence in the medical field and for the general public in the form of lethal infection.
These bacteria are unaffected by antibiotic treatments. The first thing Staph does is enter the body and start weakening the immune system and endanger the health of vulnerable people like patients, children, and old generations.
The initial signs seem to be quite insignificant, appearing as an insect bite or red bumps, but with time, they deteriorate into pustules and other skin related disorders.
These pustules can only be treated by surgery to drain them, and if this is not done will result in a dangerous situation by carrying this infection to the internal organs, which can lead to loss of life.
Usually, Staph infection in the nose is treated by administering antibiotics like methicillin and penicillin. Still, these bacteria are resistant to this treatment and termed MRSA infection, which is deadly in certain cases.
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus
This has brought a challenge to the medical field to develop new and effective antibiotics against these menace bacteria, but unfortunately, the winner is staph every time.

What are the Staph Infection Symptoms?
Staph infection on the face and other skin parts usually appear in a small area of tenderness, swelling, and redness. In certain cases, it begins with an open sore, whereas there is no skin opening in other cases.
The signs of cellulite are a sort of inflammation with redness, warmth, swelling and pain. Any of these signs or skin sore or ulcer may develop a Staph infection in combination with skin sore or ulcer.
If it spreads further, it may result in fever, cold and sweat, and swelling in the affected area.
In certain cases, it appears in the form of impetigo, a painful rash that is contagious boils and scalded skin syndrome with rash, blisters and fever. The boils occur beneath armpits and on the buttocks.
Treatment Of Staph Infection
If one gets the symptoms of this deadly disease, should visit a qualified doctor to get proper treatment, mostly antibiotic administering.
In the absence of a Doctor, some care at your end can be beneficial, like clean the area thoroughly and wipe dry, then apply hydrogen peroxide or betadine, which can help to kithe surface bacteria and cover the area with a bandage.