Is it a cyst? Can you get one in the inner thigh region? While it may sound a bit odd, it is possible to get one, after all. And more often than not, a cyst on your inner thigh becomes much more painful when they gain in size and are close to your groin.
These are not anything like acne, and they take a relatively long time to heal. In some cases, they become benign for some time and then the discomfort recurs. Not mentioning the fact that anything odd in that region is a bit embarrassing.
If you notice any boils or pimples on your inner thigh and they keep coming back, consulting a specialist is the best option. It is better to start treatment as soon as possible than letting things be because boils on the inner thigh often tend to grow in size and become very painful.
Is it a Cyst or is it a Boil?
Well, they look very much the same. So until and unless you get them checked by a specialist, it is difficult to tell which is which. Unless it grows in size, you can be sure it’s a boil since they are characteristic of doing just that.
Boils usually occur because of infection from the staph bacteria, which are present naturally in our skin. They sometimes cause fever as our body tries to fight off that infection on its own. Cysts are also caused by infection, but sometimes, ingrown hairs also lead to one occurring.
Pus-filled boils are very uncomfortable. If they start growing rapidly, it is best to consult a doctor and get the fluid removed as quickly as possible. It is advisable not to try doing so on your own because it can lead to more serious infections if not done properly.
The most common reason behind a cyst on the inner thigh is Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS). The characteristic of this disease is that bumps that look like pimples start appearing on your skin in the least likely places, such as the groin or your underarms.
If you notice a blood-filled cyst on the inner thigh, it is very likely to be HS. Make sure to keep the area clean before you consult a doctor. Otherwise, it may get infected.
For women, cysts on the inner thigh occur because of waxing and shaving. When hair is removed, it tends to curl into itself while growing back, which remains under the skin. This leads to irritation and then cysts.
Boils occur due to staph infections around hair follicles. Such infections often grow very fast. Instead of wishing they’d subside on their own, it is best to let a doctor take a look at it and prescribe the best way to treat it.

Other reasons why boils or cysts occur
These are scaly red bumps that are dry in nature. Consult a doctor. Treatments involve freezing them to get rid of them permanently.
Jock Itch
This is a rash in the groin region and is very itchy. Fungal infection causes this, and if not treated, it may spread to the thighs. If you have a cyst on the
Similar to HS, this is also a result of inflammation caused
This is rare, but sometimes bumps growing under the skin do not appear outside and maybe a tumour. In case they start proliferating quickly, it may be because of metastasis, in which case you need to see a doctor immediately.
S. aureus bacteria may cause abscesses on your inner thigh. These result in redness, swelling, pain and cysts.
Natural Ways to Get Rid of Them
There are some home-made remedies made completely from natural ingredients which could help you in doing away with the cysts or boils on the inner thigh:
Tea Tree Oil
It has a strong smell and may sting, but tea tree oil is a very effective antibacterial. It helps shrink cysts, boils and pimples on the inner thigh, or for that matter anywhere, and helps keep the infection at bay. Get a cotton pad, put a few drops of tea tree oil on it and dab it on the area thrice daily. A point to note – wash your hands off immediately, so you don’t accidentally touch your eyes because this really burns.
Epsom Salts
The effectiveness of Epsom salts lies in the fact that they help drain the boils fast. Dissolve about half a cup of salts in warm water, and soak into it. If possible, do this twice daily. Otherwise, even once is good.
Turmeric Paste
This is another great antibacterial agent and serves as a great antiseptic, making it perfect for cysts, boils, and pimples. Apply the paste directly to the bumps, keep it on for a while, and then remove it with a warm cloth. A yellow stain may remain on your skin after this, but it subsides after a couple of days.

How to Manage the Bumps on your Inner Thigh
If it’s sure to be just a pimple, then the treatment for that is no different than the one for your face. Normal acne creams available over-the-counter are good enough, or you may apply a mixture of baking soda and apple cider vinegar to the area.
This prevents
Sometimes, stuff like soap or laundry detergents also plays a role since our skin may react to their ingredients. If self-treatment doesn’t work, it is best to see a doctor regarding it.