A lot of us do many things while attempting to lose weight. Some of those methods may not be correct and can result in doing us wrong than right. It is because of this reason that many people prefer the egg diet plan.
It is a protein-heavy diet but has low calories and low carbohydrates. It helps us to lose weight without compromising with the much-needed protein to keep our stamina high.
As the name suggests, this diet depends on eggs as the primary source of protein. There are numerous forms of egg diet. This diet does not allow us to eat any food with high carbohydrates or calories, such as bread, pasta, rice, and some fruits.
The only beverages you can have when following an egg diet plan are
Types of Egg Diet
Egg diet plans are of different types, but eggs are the primary source of protein for all those types of diet plans. The most important and known plans are:
1. Boiled Egg Diet
The Egg diet plan is when you consume only three meals every day without any snacks. You are also not allowed to have any beverages that contain any form of calories.
Every day, you have to eat an egg with one meal. In the other meals, there must be other sources of protein like either chicken or fish. In this type of diet, the eggs you eat should be hard-boiled and not fried or scrambled.
Sometimes, you can add low carbohydrate vegetables to your diet, like broccoli or spinach. These vegetables complement the protein on your diet. You can also add citrus fruits to your diet in this type of egg diet plan.
2. Medical Egg Diet
This is the type of egg diet plan which requires you to have a hard-boiled egg and bread three times a day. Other than that, you can eat fruits and vegetables as much as you want to.
The only beverages you are allowed to drink are zero-calorie beverages like water or black coffee. You can cook the eggs in any way you prefer but should refrain from adding extra calories to them.
3. The Egg only Diet
This is a type of mono diet. This diet is extremely unhealthy, and you are only allowed to have one kind of food for two weeks. For example, you can eat hard-boiled eggs and water for two weeks if you follow a mono-diet plan.
4. Keto Egg Diet
Keto diet is a different type of diet. This requires you to consume more calories to put your body in a state of ketosis. It needs you to eat your egg with butter or cheese.
Some other types of egg diet plans are also there, but these are the most known ones. Some types of diet provide better nutrition than others, but you should only follow the one that suits you.

Side Effects of the Diet
When you start to follow an egg diet plan, you are entirely shifting to a high-protein and low-carbohydrate diet. Our digestive system takes a little time to adjust to it.
While changing the diet plans, you might experience flatulence, nausea, constipation, and bad breath. Another thing that happens is that you might feel a lack of energy due to reducing carbohydrates. This thus makes it difficult to exercise.
Eggs have no fibre in them; as a result, you must add other fibrous food to the diet in vast amounts. Doing this makes sure that this change in diet will not affect your bowel function. Quitting this diet is not easy. If you stopped it all of a sudden, you might gain the weight back again, maybe even more than you already had.
Is the Diet Healthy?
According to medical science, an
But then again, you don’t get enough calories from this diet plan. Also, eating seven to eight eggs a week helps in reducing the chances of strokes. People with diabetes can eat eggs without resulting in the
Right Way to Follow the Egg Diet Plan
If you are not a fan of eggs, this diet plan is not appropriate for you. However, if you are, this can do wonders for you. Eggs are versatile, convenient and readily available in any convenience store or market.
They are also cheaper than other protein sources. It is highly recommended to add eggs to your diet plans, but with that, your diet should also include different varieties of food to maintain the proper body shape.
Some tips that can be helpful while following the boiled Egg diet are:
- As a minimum one meal of the day for you should contain egg. The egg is preferred to be hard-boiled and without the yolk. You can make scrambled eggs with steamed vegetables or make egg white omlet with a little cheese.
Even eggs contain a little bit of saturated fat, but that is less than other sources of protein. This helps you show remarkable progress in losing calories and weight. - You should replace any starch-rich meal with something egg based. If you were supposed to have rice or spaghetti, you could try to cook eggs with vegetables instead.
These are healthy and can make you feel more filled and satisfied. Also, in this case, you can eat lesser than you would have to if it were anything else. - Most of the fat in an egg lies in the egg yolk. So, in order to saturate that fat, you can blend the whole eggs with the egg whites. The egg whites are free of fat and very nutritious.
These are also a good source of amino acid and are a great help in losing weight.