If you are reading through this article, you are definitely looking for some neck pain relief ways. Our neck is a vital part of our body that supports our head. Without the neck, we would not be able to move our heads whichever way we want.
However, our modern lifestyle causes frequent pain and other problem in the neck region. A major problem that crops up along with the neck pain is that with our head that aches along with it. Strain at the back and tensions at the muscles are the common causes related to neck pain.
Weak joints and cartilage are also usual conditions that lead to neck pain. During this time, one can also experience the added sufferance of neck muscle spasm or stiffness.
For ages, people have taken the help of acupressure and reflexology for neck pain relief. Acupressure and reflexology refer to massaging the main points and stimulating them to relieve one from neck pain.
Reflexology is not a conventional method of neck pain relief, but still, it showed great signs of improvement for many. This process is still being evaluated and analyzed for its effectiveness in relieving neck pain.
Reasons that Lead to Neck and Shoulder Pain
The causes or reasons that lead to neck and shoulder stiffness or pain are many. It can also happen due to a mere reason like not sleeping correctly. But there can be serious issues also which might require immediate medical help. First, let us look at the most common reasons for neck pain:
- Bad Sitting Posture
- Poor Posture of Sleeping
- Strain in Muscles
- Too Much Exertion during Work
- Sprain
Other serious reasons of neck and shoulder pain are:
- Meningitis – Meninges and membranes swell up around the brain and the spinal cord.
- Arthritis – Rheumatoid Arthritis and Cervical Spondylitis.
These conditions can lead to tremendous soar and pain in the neck, even lasting for weeks. It is essential to consult doctors and other medical professionals during such severe cases.
Acupressure Points for Neck Pain Relief
Let us look at the list below of the various pressure points for neck pain relief:
- Jian Jing or GB21 -This is present in the shoulder muscles at the point where the neck ends, and the arms begin. This point relieves a headache, muscle tension, soar pain, and stiff neck.
- He Gu or L14 – This is the fold of the skin located between the thumb and the forefinger. Stimulating this pressure point can give great relief from neck pain.
- Wind Pool or Feng Chi or GB20 – This pressure point is situated behind the earlobe. Stimulating this particular point can treat a lot of conditions like a headache, fatigue, stiff neck and neck pain.
- Zhong Zu or TE3 – This point can be identified between the knuckles above the tiny finger and the ring finger. This point can help to stimulate various areas of the brain. Also, it promotes proper blood circulation and releases tension. If the neck pain is due to immense stress, working on this point will give relief.
- Heaven’s Pillar – This pressure point is located on each side region of your neck, at the bottom where the skull ends, and the backbone begins. Stimulating this pressure point may release swollen lymph and congestion. Also, aids in recovering you from a chronic cough.
Stimulating the pressure points or acupressure points will relieve neck pain and soothe and relax the aching muscles.
Acupressure and acupuncture are almost the same methods to stimulate pressure points. Acupuncture for neck pain uses thin needles for stimulating acupuncture points for neck pain instead of acupressure, which uses firm massage on the pressure points for pain relief.

Steps for a Proper Session of Acupressure
Alleviate the neck pain by stimulating the pressure points mentioned above. Here are the steps you should follow for a perfect session.
- Choose a comfortable place for the treatment. Take a deep breath and relax before you start the session with your therapist.
- Identify the proper problem area that is causing pain to you.
- Some light stretching exercises to begin with before moving onto the actual acupressure session.
- The patient should lie down on a mat.
- Pillows and towels should be kept near hand.
- Use a rolled towel or a clean cloth as a support to the places where the body isn’t contacting the mat.
- Start with light pressure on the points and gradually increase.
- Pressure should be applied to all the same points of the body together at the same time.
- Each point should be stimulated for two to three minutes.
- Circulation motion and up and down movement of fingers should be used for the massage treatment.
You can repeat the massage treatment throughout the day as there are no limits to it. The history of acupressure goes back to many years ago and has been used for several diseases and ailments.
Acupressure and reflexology should be used as an accompaniment for each other for getting the best results of neck pain relief. Home remedies such as warm compression, stretching exercises, and painkillers can bring a lot of respites.
With proper care and home treatment, most neck pain will disappear within two to three days. Doing physical activities and exercising in the wrong style can cause cramps and sprains. Apart from the wrong posture of sleeping, a lot of stress in life can cause neck pain.
Watch your pain, and if it starts growing faster, do take the help of professionals who specialise in this field. Do not try acupressure on your own if you are pregnant. Seeking the doctor’s advice is essential before doing so. In case of accidents or injury also, do not try the remedies alone. Get documentation and medical care from professionals and physicians. Physiotherapy and testing may be required, too, in some cases.