Our bodies are made of connected joints and signal receptors that work in unison to keep the whole system working and fit. Medicines are always the first option for treating or curing pain, and many pain medications often have ugly side effects or stop working after a while.
Have you ever thought of alternative healing practices such as healing through pressure points on feet? This process of healing and therapy is called reflexology, and the specific areas of the feet and hands that deal with pressure points are called reflexology points.
Read on to know how you can effectively combat your pain by a few simple methods.
Knowing Reflexology and what it means
The process of reflexology is used to balance our health by finding out the relevant pressure points on our feet and applying light to moderate pressure on them. It is believed to be a Chinese therapeutic practice involving healing the body through several pressure points located in the feet, which are considered to have connections to the entire body.
Foot massage versus Reflexology
Everyone loves a great massage, and it’s even more wonderful if it’s a very relaxing foot massage.
If getting a foot massage is enough, what’s reflexology then?
While a regular foot massage procedure is not aimed at curbing specific pains, reflexology focuses on certain pressure points on the feet to relax and heal the pains about those pressure points.
Feet Pressure Points and how to manage pain
In this process, the feet are marked out into different sections having pressure points. The reflexology points on the left foot are connected to the left side of the body, and those on the right foot are connected to the right side.
Different areas of the feet deal with different parts of the body. For example, the spine is connected to the inside of the foot, the section below the toes focus on the ears, the pelvic region is connected to the bottom of both feet, the heart point is two inches under the middle toe, the inner part of the big toe is about the liver, the lymphatic system is connected to the top of the foot and so on.
There are specific names for each kind of massage and each part of the reflexology points. Read on to know some of them and practice healing your body all by yourself!

Certain feet pressure points massages to relieve pain and relax the body
As mentioned earlier, there is a name for every kind of massage done in the process of reflexology. While many would like to employ professionals, some techniques are pretty simple and require no extra effort.
1. Myofascial release therapy
This procedure is for a more generalized pain whose foot pressure points are hard to pinpoint.
To perform this therapy, sit comfortably on a chair or sofa. Next, place a tennis or golf ball under one foot and roll around until you find a pressure point. Press it enough to feel the point soften and stop rolling the ball after this. Pressing for 5-7 minutes should do the trick.
2. For anxiety
For this irritating visitor, perform the following procedure for relief.
Curl your toes till you see a depression just below the ball of your foot. Place your thumb on this depression while holding on to the top of your foot with your free hand. Now, massage the area in small circles and alternate this, withholding the area firmly and pressing down.
3. Low Back Pain
Usually, the first instinct while treating lower back pain is to massage the lower back area with ointments. Try healing it yourself with reflexology points.
To perform this therapy, it’s important to focus your attention and fingers on the arches of your feet. You can also use oil to a massage for this one. Now, with the oil in your finger, move from the heel to the toe in alternate short strokes with your thumb.
4. Shen Mai
To relieve cold, fear, anxiety and bring mental peace, apply pressure to the bony bump outside the angle.
5. Di San Li Dui
This is a very effective massage against heartburn and burping. The pressure point is found below the toenail of the middle toe.
6. Xin Jiang
This feet pressure point is helpful for sinusitis, vision issues, leg cramps and liver disease.
Applying pressure with the thumb and index finger on the area between the big and second toe helps to relieve these discomforts.
7. Tai Chong
A very effective remedy against headaches, anger, anxiety, menstrual pain, stress and anger, Tai Chong can be performed by practically anybody suffering from these.
The pressure point for this is located in between the big toe and second toe, at the point where the tendons meet. When you find it, apply firm pressure and massage it for a few seconds.
8. Gao Ya Xue Dian
If blood pressure is troubling you, it’s wise to
By applying firm thumb pressure on the centre portion of the big toe, specifically above the toe’s middle joint, issues about huge blood pressure may slowly subside.
Precautions and Preventions
While home remedies and self-treatment is always the first thing to do in emergencies, never fail to call the doctor if your pains persist. There’s nothing worse than a niggling muscle pain or constant heartburn. And even if a full body massage isn’t solving the problem, it’s definitely time to pop some pills.
Apart from the vigilance on your body and its sudden, painful changes, and the mandatory healthy diet, now that you know about the importance of feet pressure points, it’s important always to wear comfortable footwear.
How you walk and what you step on are important as it affects your muscles and reflexology points. Your feet are important to maintain balance and steadiness. Taking care to avoid painful or lopsided footwear goes a long way in improving physical health.