Winter is known to take a heavy toll on your skin and immunity system, put together. Sure, there are creams, lotions, and pills that you can take to keep things healthy and glowing, but most of the time, it renders you appearing dull and lifeless.
To make matters worse, prolonged use of cosmetics and over-dependence on store-bought products can cause more harm than good. So, what does one need to do to keep their skin glowing and healthy?
The secret lies in your diet; Taking your diet to a bare minimum and adding fruits and vegetables in abundance can make things work in your favour.
Fruits rich in antioxidants and foods like fish, nuts, and seeds that carry healthy fat contribute to keeping your skin supple and glowing.
Also, it’s essential to understand that your skin grows dull due to low humidity, as it is the outermost layer of the body exposed to heat, humidity, cold, and many other things.
So, when the moisture level in your skin takes a hit, which is normal during the winter months, it tends to get dry. Hence, it becomes more important to take a good look at your diet and introduce some changes.
Related: How to Take Care of Your Skin in Summer: 8 Tips to Take Care
Here’s a look at 9 such foods that you absolutely need to include in your diet during winter
1. Carrots

Undeniably, one of the best sources of Vitamin C, carrots help the body produce the optimum amount of collagen, a protein derivative that renders flexibility and elasticity to the skin.
Also, carrots contain Vitamin A, another useful antioxidant that contributes to repair damaged cells and does away with free radicals to lessen wrinkles and stops the early appearance of fine lines. Make a habit of including carrots in your daily intake in the form of salads, boiled, or juice.
2. Beetroot

Beetroot has exceedingly good blood purification ability, which further helps eliminate toxins, leaving behind smooth, healthy, and glowing skin.
One can consume beetroot in juice or cooked, but it also has topical application benefits that work miraculously well for the skin.
Beetroot is known to fight off the dead cells and keeps them at bay from reappearing again. The result is soft, supple, and clear looking skin all the time.
3. Leafy Vegetables

Spinach, mustard greens, kale and other such leafy vegetables all come bearing the goodness of Vitamin K that’s solely responsible for skin nourishment.
It also has anti-inflammatory properties that work exceedingly well to fasten the healing process from any infection, small or big.
Besides, they also contain high doses of sulphur, which reduces flakes and itches, a commonly occurring issue during the winter months.
4. Broccoli

A rich source of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, Broccoli is another good offering for all skin types. If you are fond of salads, try stemming a few and add them to your plate. The rich presence of essential vitamins in Broccoli is good for anyone who has had skin issues for a long time that tends to grow worse during the colder months.
Apart from offering incessant goodness for your skin, Broccoli provides nourishment and protein for your hair follicles, and you can boost it by using Ayurvedic Hair Oil Products.
The presence of three prominent vitamin types, A, C, E, and K, contributes to the build-up of durable hair fibres that fosters hair growth and prevents breakage.
5. Berries

Another rich source of antioxidants is also functional in fighting free radicals generated within the human body.
Berries are wholesomely recommended by doctors and medical experts alike to help you fight early signs of ageing, like fine lines and wrinkles. While you sip on a glass of milk in the morning, try a handful to reap the goodness of berries for healthy and lively skin.
6. Green Tea

Ah! A drink that even celebrities swear on! And, there’s plentiful of reason to do so. Green Tea is not just loaded with antioxidants that nourish and revitalizes the skin.
It also has anti-inflammatory properties that fasten the healing process and take care of minor to moderate skin blemishes. Green Tea is also an excellent fat cutter and complements a healthy diet in the best manner.
7. Avocados

Simply put, Avocados are downright healthy and are highly recommended for anyone looking to achieve healthy skin. They are high in Vitamin E, which your skin loves naturally. That is precisely why Avocado face masks work so good towards achieving skin balance and a glowing complexion.
8. Tomatoes

According to a study conducted by Newcastle University, Britain, tomatoes are a great source of Lycopene, the natural pigment that renders the vegetable its colour.
Thus, including tomatoes in your diet has a string of benefits, starting with anti-ageing, blemish-free skin, freedom from acne and pimples, giving you a fresh look all the time, and especially during the winter months.
Furthermore, consuming tomatoes as a part of your daily diet has reportedly been found to boost procollagen levels responsible for the skin’s elasticity.
Besides providing incessant goodness for your skin, it also provides nourishment and protein for your hair follicles. The presence of prominent vitamin types like B and E contributes to the build-up of durable hair fibres and fosters hair growth, preventing breakage.
9. Sardines

To the likes of tuna, salmon or sardines, Fatty fishes are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which is of utmost benefit for healthy skin. Besides, sardines ad salmon are also rich in taurine and contain antioxidants responsible for healthy skin cells.
Sardines also contribute towards taking care of skin blemishes that keep on appearing from time to time. If you have been avoiding such fatty fishes from your diet, it’s time to include them back during the colder months.
So, what do you think? Now that you have a fresh perspective on what all foods need to be a part of your diet, you are set to battle the odds of winter and still keep glowing and healthy skin. Drop us a line below, and let us know of any other tips for winter that you follow. We would love to hear from you.