When the time for your period approaches monthly, you may experience the white discharge that builds up in a very unpleasant way. This white discharge is like mucus that naturally produces in the neck of the womb or cervix in a scientific term.
The quantity of white discharge varies throughout the cycle of menstruation. A pregnant woman also experiences pregnancy discharge.
Generally, white discharge is healthy and normal, and it does not smell strong and lacks any colour. Even though you feel an uncomfortable wetness, it does not lead to other symptoms like itchiness or soreness in the vaginal area. But, if you feel any abnormalities, it is best to seek medical help.
What exactly is the White Discharge that Occurs before Period?
The white discharge you see before your period is called leukorrhea. It is filled with cells and fluid that are being discharged by your vagina. Usually white, but the discharge may also look yellowish sometimes. The releases typically show up in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. This is when your hormones like progesterone rise in your body. The hormone of progesterone turns the mucus white and cloudy in colour.
And, when estrogen acts as a dominant hormone, the discharge tends to be transparent and watery with a stretchy texture.
Some women can understand their potential fertility by discharge. When the mucus looks thin and stretchy, it is considered fertile.
White and thick discharge denotes infertile cervical mucus. Generally, if you are no longer fertile between ovulation and the next period cycle, you see the thick and white discharge from your vagina.
The discharge is essential as it keeps the tissues of the vagina in a healthy state and helps to lubricate. But if the release is accompanied by pain, redness and itching and other symptoms, it is considered abnormal and needs medical help at the earliest.
Causes of Discharge
Common causes of discharge before the period cycle starts are:
- A typical function of the reproductive system: White release before the period is a normal thing of the period cycle. Normal discharge at the stage of the period cycle looks like egg white mucus. This type of mucus is thin, slippery and stretchy in texture. Moreover, this type of discharge is generally odorless.
- Birth control: The process of birth control affects hormone levels, which can lead to an increase in the level of release. You may call this a side effect of the birth control process.
- Pregnancy: Discharge before your period can sometimes be an early sign of pregnancy. This type of discharge is generally thicker and creamier as compared to the normal ones.
- Sexually transmitted infection: Gonorrhea, trichomonas, and chlamydia are different sexually transmitted infections that also lead to discharge. This type of releases is more yellowish or greenish and looks like pus and smells like fish. You may feel itchiness and redness in the vaginal area.
- Yeast infection or candidiasis: Yeast infections are common and may happen for no known reason. Too much use of antibiotics increases the risk of yeast infection which generally shows up before the start of the period. Discharge during yeast infection is usually thick and white and resembles cottage cheese. It can cause itching and burning sensation also in the vaginal area.
- Bacterial vaginosis: The disease of Bacterial vaginosis occurs when the natural balance of bacteria changes in the vagina. No proper known cause has been found for this infection, but it has been associated with smoking, too much moisture, and different-sex partners. This type of discharge also has a fishy smell and carries a greyish white color.
Normal and Abnormal Discharge before Period

Normal discharge
The white discharge before the period is entirely natural and normal. The white discharge before the period is mainly released from the uterus and the cervix. Normal discharge is generally not prone to infection.
The congestion of the pelvis only causes the white discharge, and the normal discharge is just mucus. A couple of days before the period starts, you may notice clear fluid leaking from the vaginal area. The quantity of clear or white discharge may arise during the ongoing process of the period.
Abnormal discharge
There may be some cases where the discharge from the vagina may indicate an infection. If your discharge looks yellowish and greenish and not white or clear, then you may be suffering from one of the following infections that cause abnormal discharge:
- Yeast Infection: This is a common infection that many women usually after sex. However, no proper reason has been found for this sort of infection. During this infection, the discharge looks like white cottage cheese. With appropriate treatment and medication, this condition will improve within a span of one or two weeks.
- Trichomoniasis: This infection makes the discharge smell like rotten eggs. It looks frothy. Trichomoniasis is generally a sexually transmitted disease and requires treatment immediately.
- Gonorrhea or Chlamydia: If you are not pregnant and still experiencing a high level of discharge during the middle of your period, then you might be suffering from the infections of chlamydia and gonorrhea. This infection is also a sexually transmitted disease and causes a burning and itching sensation whenever you urinate. This disease feels similar to urinary tract infection.
- Vaginosis: Vaginosis happens when the discharge turns yellow or green.
When is discharge cause for concern?
There are times when your discharge may indicate a severe problem with your health. For example, when itching accompanies the thick white discharge, it may indicate yeast infection in the vagina.
A green or yellow discharge may mean infection, like bacterial vaginosis. You must see the doctor if you are experiencing:
- Pain
- Burning sensation
- Discomfort
- Vaginal rashes and redness
- Soreness
The white discharge may look like cottage cheese or frothy discharge with a strong and foul vaginal. This can lead to redness and swelling in the vaginal area too.
Sexually transmitted infections may also lead to abnormal discharge. If left untreated, sexually transmitted diseases may lead to more serious health complications like infertility.
Other Types of Discharge during the Cycle of Menstruation
Varying types of discharge are released from the vagina before, during, and after the menstrual cycle. The spill happens as a result of different hormones that are running in your body during the process of ovulation. Let us look at the different types of releases you once experience.
- Stretchy and clear: The stretchy and clear discharge indicates the fertile stage and start of ovulation mode.
- Watery and clear: This is a common discharge that usually happens after you finish with exercising.
- Green or Yellow: If your discharge is green or yellow and comes with a foul odor, seek medical help. This type of discharge indicates an infection.
- Brown: Brown discharge occurs right after the period ends, and your body starts to clean itself up after the period.
- Spotting Blood Discharge: This happens while the period cycle is still on or even in the early stages of pregnancy.
Being aware of the different discharges is essential. Never ignore abnormalities of the discharges that you feel or see. It must be checked to avoid further future problems.
When to see your doctor
White discharge before period is entirely normal. Four out of five women experience the problem of a yeast infection at least once in their whole lifetime.
There are home remedies to treat the problem of yeast infection. But if the symptoms do not disappear even after a week of home treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Doctors can quickly evaluate and analyze the problem and recommend the required medication or other therapy for it.