The main reason behind palm pain is some injury or diseases that have been affecting the hand. Hand pain is also one indication of the disease called arthritis.
The most common arthritis in the hands includes rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Repeating hand movements and carpal tunnel syndrome are the major reason for pain in the
Sometimes diseases like diabetes also result in sensation in the hand. The other reason can be some trauma or injury to the hand results in pain.
Palm pain usually occurs due to some injury in the palm, including the bone, joints, muscles or skin. These symptoms may vary and sometimes even worse.
The pain may be sharp, acute, burning or ranging from mild to severe. This pain may also be due to some injury or disease. The pain in the palm can be in one or both palms.
In rare cases, the pain may be due to some disease that may affect other parts of the body.
Causes of Pain in Palm of Hand
The various causes of this pain are:
- Injury in some part of hands like muscle or bone. You can see the signs of injury along with the pain. The injury can be a fracture, presence of foreign body or crushing injury.
- The other reason for pain is some sort of continuous movements of hands. The movement like typing, wringing wrist or carpal tunnel syndrome can lead to pain in plam.
- Swelling or inflammation called tendinitis also results in pain palm.
- Surgery also becomes a cause of pain
- Cervical spondylosis is also a reason for pain

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a widespread type of pain or numbness or tingling sensation caused in hands and fingers. Slowly the condition develops, which gets worse at night. The main affected areas are the thumb till half of the ring finger.
This condition is caused due to compression of the nerve controlling the movement of hands. It gets better with time. In
In severe cases, surgery is also recommended. In prolonged symptoms, surgery is the best option when the symptoms last for more than six months.
Diagnosis of Pain in Palm of Hand
In case of injury, it is easy to diagnose the pain in hand. But in other cases, the diagnosis depends on either past medical history or various tests are conducted to diagnose the pain.
The various tests done include
- X-ray.
- MRI or CT scan.
- Bone scan.
- Arthroscopy.
- Blood tests
Treatment of this pain
The procedure of treatment will vary upon the diagnose of the cause. Some of the common measures for treatment include
- Resting the hand and taking care of the wound
- Hand Splint
- Prescribing Painkillers
- Antibiotics in case of infection
- Surgery
So the pain of the palm can be treated depending upon the severity of pain and the underlying cause.